Community Board Grant Application - Online form

Each Community Board area has a contestable grants pool to encourage and support not-for-profit organisations that have a positive impact on the community. The grants help local organisations pay for specific projects, events, or the maintenance of facilities that benefit the community.

It is preferable that the organisations applying for these grants are incorporated societies or trusts, but informal organisations and individuals may also apply.

Application Deadlines

Grant applications need to be lodged at least one week before a community board meeting to make it onto the agenda for that meeting. This is because council works within legislation that requires agendas to be published early and approved by the chief executive. Applications received after this deadline will be referred to the next available community board meeting.







Community Board

Which Community Board are you applying to?



You can apply for up to $500 per grant.
  • No upper limit on the amount you can apply for.
  • Grant to be spent on projects/events in the Twizel Community Board area.
Tekapo Community Board
  • No upper limit on the amount you can apply for.
  • Grant to be spent on projects/events in the Tekapo Community Board area.
Fairlie Community Board
  • You can apply for up to $250 per grant.
  • Grant to be spent on projects/events in the Fairlie Community Board area.

Organisation Details



E.g. Trust, incorporated society, other.


Is your organisation responsible to, or controlled by, any other organisation or authority?


Grant Details




(Briefly explain)


Cost breakdown:

  • Community board (this application)
  • Other funders
  • Your contribution



Have you applied for other sources of funding?


Are you registered for GST?


Attach a balance sheet or financial statement, and any other supporting documents.

Please upload in either PDF, PNG or JPG formats.











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