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Fees and Charges

Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2024-2025.

Fees and Charges

While Council has made every effort to provide an accurate and exhaustive Schedule of Fees and Charges, if any errors and/or omissions are identified, Council reserves the right to vary and/or introduce fees and charges at its discretion.

  • Unless stated otherwise all fees and charges are inclusive of GST.

On this page

Alps2Ocean Cycle Trail

Commercial Operators fee

  Fees 2024/25
Commercial Operators fee - per day per client $5.00

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Animals - Dog Control

Internet Banking: Mackenzie District Council

A/c No. 03-0887-0226851-02

Payment Reference:
- Please quote your owner number as a reference - e.g.  reference is ‘DOG’ and owner ID XXXX e.g. DOG 5467

- If granted 'Responsible Dog Ownership' use ‘RDO’ in particulars.

Dog Registration Fees

  Fees 2024/25
Urban dog$90.00
Neutered urban dog$65.00
Rural dog$40.00
Working dog$40.00
Disability assist dogNo charge
Menacing dog$150.00
Permit to keep 3 or more dogs - Urban$50.00

A Penalty Fee for late registrations will be imposed after 1 August of 50% of the appropriate fee.

Impound Fees

  Fees 2024/25
First impound $100.00
Additional impound of same dog $150.00
Daily pound fee $20.00

For those owners with 'Responsible Dog Owner Status' the fees are as follows

  Fees 2024/25
Urban dog$40.00
Initial Inspection Fee$25.00

All known owners will be forwarded an account for registration of their dog(s) during July.  All dogs of three months or more must be registered by the due date of 31 July.

Registration fees can be made in instalments up to 31 July.

Replacement tag

  Fees 2024/25
Replacement tag*$5.00 per replacement tag

*If you need a replacement tag, please call into one of our offices, in Fairlie or Twizel.

Wandering or nuisance call-out fees

A call-out fee of $84.00 will apply and be charged to the owner of a dog that has been identified wandering or causing a minor nuisance. This fee may be imposed over and above any impoundment fee or infringement fine that Council may issue.

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Animals, Poultry and Bees

Fees 2024/25
Roosters and Poultry License$100.00
Bees License$100.00
Cat License (Ownership of Multiple Cats 3+)$20.00
Inspection Fee$50.00

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Asset Management

Asset Management General

  Fees 2024/25
On-cost for all chargeable private works carried out by Councils contractor 15%
Inspections/re-inspection (per inspection) $210.00

Corridor Access Request (CAR)

Fees 2024/25
Works within footpaths/berms 
Type FB1 (Minor)
Up to 6m2 and/or 20 lineal metres
Type FB2 (Major)
Greater than 6m2 and/or 20 lineal metres, but less than 10m2 and/or 100 lineal metres
Works within road carriageway (formed road) 
Type C1 (Minor)
Up to 2m2 and/or 5 lineal metres
Type C2 (Major)
Greater than 2m2 and/or 5 lineal metres, but less than 10m2 and/or 15 lineal metres
Project Work 
Areas greater than the above category types Actual cost
Additional weekly fee for where works exceed the stated period (per week)  $168.00
Seal opening reseal texturing fee per m2$100.00

Wastewater Supply

Fees 2024/25
Application for Connection/Disconnection$221.00
Inspections/re-inspection (per inspection)$200.00
Septic tank/holding tank to oxidation pond - per m3 + GST   $20.00

Part Year Services - New Dwellings Completed During the Year

Fees 2024/25
Solid Waste Pro-rated for length of year
Water Supply Pro-rated for length of year
Wastewater Supply Pro-rated for length of year
Stormwater Supply Pro-rated for length of year

Solid Waste, water, wastewater and storm water rates will be charged as a targeted rate in the Properties Rates invoice from the following year onwards.

RAPID Numbers

Fees 2024/25
Rapid Number application and plate $84.00
New Rapid Plate $26.00

Roading and Footpaths - General

Inspections Fees 2024/25
Inspections/re-inspection (per inspection) $200.00
Project work application Actual cost
Non-Compliance Inspection Fee Per Hour
plus additional mileage fee at the current IRD rate/km
Urgent inspections will incur and additional mileage fee at the current IRD rate (per km) Actual cost
Vehicle Crossing Application Fees 2024/25
Vehicle Crossing Application $289.00
Temporary Road Closures Fees 2024/25
Temporary road closure costs (prior to 42 days’ notice period)
- fixed fee plus disbursements
Application fee for Temporary road closure for event and/or group of roads (prior to 42 days’ notice period) Base fee + $165.00
Temporary road closure costs – late applications (less than 42 days’ notice period). This does not include advertising and traffic management; these are the event organisers or contractor’s cost. $578.00
External Advertising Actual cost
Damage Assessment Inspection Actual cost
Road / Footpath Occupation Fees 2024/25
Rural Temporary Fencing and / or Road Occupation Application fee per site
(Maximum term 3 years) (Breaking may occur)
- fixed fee plus disbursements
Annual footpath occupation in town centre, commercial area (including Market Place)
- fixed f per m2
Urban Hoarding/footpath occupation Application Processing Fee and road lease
- fixed fee
Unapproved Hoarding / footpath occupation in road reserve  Non-Compliance Fee (per occurrence) $772.00
Unapproved Hoarding / footpath occupation in road reserve Non-Compliance Fee - continuing to occupy road reserve land after non-compliance fee issued, until removed and reinstated (per week) $168.00
Unapproved Hoarding / footpath occupation in road reserve - Removal  Actual cost
Overweight Permit Fees 2024/25
Overweight Permit - fixed fee plus disbursements $189
Structural Engineering ChecksActual cost
Overload of posted structure (per incident)Actual Cost + disbursements + 15%
Damage to StructureActual Cost + disbursements + 15%
Project works (Maintenance, Damage over and above normal levels) Actual cost
Road stopping Fees 2024/25
Road Stopping Process (per road to be stopped) Actual cost + 15%
Other Fees 2024/25
Cattle stop & Gate Across Road application fee only (excludes, advertising, inspections, disbursements, physical works and C.A.R fees)     $331.00
Penalty fee for unauthorised or non-notification of activities on or in the road reserve$325 + cost of activity
Detritus removal/ cleaning/ removalActual cost
Road/ Infrastructure Damage RepairActual cost
Stock Droving and/ or Crossing License$562.00
Abandoned vehicles Fees 2024/25
Mackenzie Urban AreaActual Cost + disbursements + 15%
Other AreasActual Cost + disbursements + 15%

Staff Charge-Out Rates - Asset Management

Per hour (15-minute increments to the nearest quarter of an hour)

Fees 2024/25
Administrator $79.00
Engineering Officer $147.00
Engineering Manager/Group Manager Operations $200.00

Subdivision Inspection and Approval for Assets to be Vested or Constructed on Legal Road

Fees 2024/25
Total construction cost less than $25,000$552.00
Total construction cost greater than $25,000 2.1% of the value of the complete works

Water Supply

Fees 2024/25
Bulk Filling Station m3 unit rate$14.13
Bulk Filling Station administration fee$32.00

Asset Management - Water Supply by the Meter (Minimum Annual Fees)

Fees 2024/25
Inspections/re-inspection (per inspection) $200.00
Application for Connection/Disconnection $221.00
Water connection (20mm) - fixed fee plus reinstatement $3205.00 + reinstatement
Water connection (commercial) Actual Cost +15%
Re-allocation of units - rural supply $200.00
Fairlie - fee per m3 (1st 700m3 before charges apply) $1.00
Tekapo - fee per m3 (1st 700m3 before charges apply) $1.00
Twizel - fee per m3 (1st 700m3 before charges apply) $1.00
Burkes Pass - fee per m3 (1st 700m3 before charges apply) $1.00
Meter Special read outside of the normal cycle (including Final reading) $89.00
Water meter testing fee (On-site) (if requested by the consumer and not found faulty) $158.00
Back flow installation Actual +15% Actual +15%
Back flow testingActual +15%
Change Restrictor
Charges in lieu of Urban Water Supply Rates for part of the year
Actual +15%

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Building Consents

It is Council policy to recover all fair and reasonable costs associated with processing of applications, administration, supervision and monitoring of building consents in accordance with Section 219 of the Building Act 2004.

Important Note

All building consents received by Council will be receipted. An assessment for processing the application, including the number of inspections required to be carried out to ensure compliance with the Building Act 2004 and Building Code will be made at that stage. A schedule of charges will be collated and an invoice generated. The building consent will not be issued until the schedule of charges have been paid to Council.

Building charge (and basis for charge)

Estimate only - includes allowances for PIM/BC, processing and applicable RFI's, required inspections and CCC. All processing and RFIs for all building consents will be charged at $200.00 per hour. Additional inspection costs (per inspection type) will be charged at $200.00 per hour.

Building charge Fees 2024/25
Under $5,000$704.00
$5,001 - $19,999 (Non-habitable)$1,510.00
$5,001 - $19,999 (Habitable)$2,314.00
$20,000 - $50,000 (Non-habitable)$2,616.00
$20,000 - $50,000 (Habitable)$3,019.00
$50,001 - $100,000 (Non-Habitable)$3,220.00
$50,001 - $100,000 (Habitable)$3,622.00
$100,001 - $200,000$4,226.00
$200,001 - $300,000$5,434.00
$300,001 - $400,000$6,408.00
$400,001 - $500,000$6,809.00
$500,001 - $600,000$8,050.00
In excess of $600,000
$8,027 plus $557.00 for every $100,000 or part thereof, plus application fee plus levies
Accreditation Levy:   0.04% of the estimated value of all new Building work. (Incl SFH, COA, Marquee, discretionary
exemption, consent amendment, pool barrier)
0.04% value of Building work
BRANZ Levy  - exemption threshold for project value under:$20,000.00
BRANZ Levy - fee per every $1,000 of value or part thereof:$1.00
MBIE Levy - exemption threshold for project value under:$20,444.00
MBIE Levy - fee per every $1,000 of value or part thereof (including GST):$1.75

Note: Additional fees may apply depending on consent application e.g., current certificate of title, compliance schedules.

Building Consents - Other Charges

Building charge Fees 2024/25
Administration fee - applies to all applications$94.00
Building Control Officer - fee per hour$200.00
Building Manager - fee per hour$200.00
Project Information Memorandum / Building Consideration - under $5,000
- per hour
Project Information Memorandum / Building Consideration - $5,000 and over$402.00

Code Compliance Certificate (CCC)

  • - fee per hour

based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter

Solid/ liquid fuel heater application – processing only, excludes inspections and CCC which are additional costs.
(Freestanding/inbuilt /liquid)

Certificate of Acceptance - non refundable fee of:

PLUS the following costs will be applied:

  • any applicable fees (including processing, inspections, and administration at current hourly rates) and levies that
    would have been payable had building consent been applied for BEFORE carrying out the work;
  • any specialist input where applicable will be charged out a cost.
Extension of time for Certificate of Acceptance - Fixed fee$100.00
Waiver to Building Code - fee per hour
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Demolition Consent, if requested  fee per hour
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter

Amend issued building consent based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter

  • - plus fee for each additional inspection type, if required
Minor variation - If not conducted within allotted onsite or remote inspection time of 1 hour or if completed in office.
$100 per 30 minutes plus additional inspections if required at $200 each
Extend building consent timeframes - Fixed fee$100.00
Compiling of a Compliance Schedule at time of CCC or CPU
based on 2 hours, if not conducted within alloted time of 2 hours, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Compliance schedule amendment
- fee per hour based on 1 hour, if not conducted within alloted time of 2 hours, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Application to erect marquee
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter, plus $200.00 per inspection
Inspection Fee - per inspection type
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Re-inspection Fee - per inspection type
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Inspection Fee in other districtsActual Cost
Cancelled inspection
- fee if cancelled after 3pm  day prior
Cancelled inspection
- fee  if cancelled on arranged on day of inspection
Specialist (other engineering review) - fixed fee plus actual cost$94.00
Discretionary exemption under Schedule 1 (2)
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Building Warrant of Fitness - Receiving information (Annual Form 12 acceptance)$94.00
Building Warrant of Fitness - Audit
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Certificate under Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act - fee per hour or part thereof charged if building compliance
verification required
Request for information to be placed on a property file
Administration fee only (no technical validation)
Extension of time for Notice to Fix - Fixed fee$100.00
Notice to Fix - Base fee to prepare notice$522.00
Notice to Fix - plus investigation
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Notice to Fix - plus inspections
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
List of building consents issued - based on per issue$94.00
Application for Exemption for an Earthquake Prone Building
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Application for an Extension of time for a Heritage Earthquake Prone Building
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Assessment of information related to a Building's EQP status
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Notification of works to be placed on property file$94.00

Certificate of public use

Building charge Fees 2024/25
Certificate of Public Use application fee (for an agreed duration)
Based on 1 hour processing, plus $200.00 per hour after, plus inspections plus application fee
Certificate of Public Use - first extension of timeframe request
Extension of timeframe up to 2 months
Certificate of Public Use - second extension of timeframe request
Extension of timeframe up to a further 2 months
Certificate of Public Use - third and subsequent extension of timeframe request
Extension of timeframe up to a further 2 months, and for each subsequent application
Certificate of Title on behalf of owner$94.00
Linking of titles$520.00
Notice on Certificate of Titles$522.00
NZ Fire Service Section 46 noticeNo Fee

Swimming Pools - Building Consents and Inspections

Building chargeFees 2024/25
Swimming Pool Administration (receiving IQP Pool inspection report)$94.00
Swimming Pool Inspection (including small heated pools)
based on 1 hour min, if not conducted within alloted time of 1 hour, $100.00 per 30 minutes thereafter
Application for pool barriers$375.00

Amusement Devices

Fees 2024/25
7 days duration$11.50 for the first device.
$2.30 for each Additional device.
Any further period of 7 days (or part thereof)$1.15 per device

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Internment Fees

  Fees 2024/25
RSA Ashes$325.00
RSA Burial$1,600.00
Designated ash area (Fairlie and Twizel only)A580:B580$300.00
Ash beam, lawn beam & plinth fee$300.00
Weekend and Public Holidays additional fee$500.00
Memorial Wall Fee$230.00
Interment charges applying to private cemeteries$250.00

Plot Fee

  Fees 2024/25
Full size plot$800.00
Child Plot$650.00
Designated ash area (Fairlie, Tekapo and Twizel)$420.00

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Environmental Health

It is Council policy to recover all fair and reasonable costs associated with processing of applications, administration, supervision and monitoring of Environmental Health services in accordance with Section 7 of the Health (Registration of Premises) Regulations 1966.

  Fees 2024/25
Food premises fee per hour (including mobile shop food premises)$185.00
Multiple mobile shop outlets for same produce/same trader (New Fee)
fee per unit plus 25% for each additional fee
Camping ground registration$375.00
Offensive trade$300.00
Transfer fee$135.00
Re-inspection feeActual Cost plus kilometer rate

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Food Act

Complaint Driven Investigation

  Fees 2024/25
Complaint resulting in issue of improvement notice by Food Safety Officer and its review - fee per hour plus actual travel costs and disbursements$180.00

Compliance and Monitoring

  Fees 2024/25
FCP – annual fixed fee (incl those FCPs registered before 1 March 2016)$90.00
NP – 24 month fixed fee$180.00


  Fees 2024/25
Application & Assessment - fee per hour$180.00

New Registration

  Fees 2024/25
Food Control Plan (FCP) – fixed fee single site$180.00
Food Control Plan (FCP) – single site
plus additional fee per half hour after the first hour
FCP – fixed fee multi site$270.00
FCP – multi site
plus additional fee per half hour after the first hour
National Programme (NP) - fixed fee$180.00
National Programme (NP)
plus additional fee per half hour after the first hour
Consultancy rate/hour (optional) – new business set up assistance/preopening visit$180.00
FCP Mentoring (optional) - fixed fee$360.00

Registration Renewal

  Fees 2024/25
12 month renewal - fixed fee FCPs single site$180.00
12 month renewals - fixed fee FCPs multi-site$270.00
24 month renewals - fixed fee NPs$200.00
24 month renewal -fixed fee NPS
plus additional fee per half hour after the first hour
FCP Mentoring - fixed fee$360.00

Travel Charges (applied to fees above as appropriate)

  Fees 2024/25
Zone 2 (Mackenzie District Council) - fixed charge per visitNo fixed charge/ Actual costs will apply
Actual Travel Costs where applicable charged at 95 cents per km$0.95
Actual Travel Costs where applicable plus staff travel time at $180 per hour$180.00

Verification (Audit)

  Fees 2024/25
FCP – fixed fee single site audit$360.00
FCP – single site audit
plus additional fee per half hour after the first 2 hours
FCP – fixed fee multi site audit$360.00
FCP – multi site audit
plus additional fee per half hour after the first 2 hours
FCP Audit close-out over 15 minutes - fee per hour$180.00
NP1 Check (one-off) - fee per hour$180.00
NP2 Audit – 3 yearly - fee per hour$180.00
NP3 Audit – 2 yearly - fee per hour$180.00

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Geographic Information Services

Customised by GIS staff, the charges listed below are for printing only. Additional charges may apply where the time to customise exceeds five minutes, then the hourly rate below applies after the first five minutes.

Copies of Aerial Photography / Full Colour Maps

  Fees 2024/25
A4 Colour copying $5.00
A3 Colour copying $10.00
A1 Colour copying $35.00
A0 Colour copying $50.00
Fully referenced – per title $90.00
Non-referenced – per title $20.00
(emailed JPEG file restricted to 5 hectares for urban areas and 1/2km2 for rural areas)

GIS Staff

  Fees 2024/25
GIS staff hourly rate $180.00

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Hall and Venue Hire

Albury Hall

(Per session) Fees 2024/25
Hall and Supper Room (per hour)$20.00
Regular user3$16.00
Function hire (per session)$126.00
Function hire bond (per session - refundable after inspection)$126.00

Lake Tekapo Community Hall

Community Board Room (per hour) Fees 2024/25
(Kitchen for cup of tea/coffee per use, zip and mugs included) 
Regular user3$21.00
Main Hall (per hour) Fees 2024/25
(Kitchen for cup of tea/coffee per use, zip and mugs included) 
Regular user3$28.00
Kitchen (per hour) Fees 2024/25
(for catering use includes ranges, crockery and cutlery) 
Regular user3$32.00
Whole complex (per day) Fees 2024/25
Standard 2$202.00
Regular user 3$161.00
Commercial 4$602.00
Whole complex (per hour) Fees 2024/25
Standard 2$60.00
Regular user 3$48.00
Commercial 4$181.00
  • 2 Standard: Not for profit organisations or individuals
  • 3 Regular user: user with 10 or more pre-bookings
  • 4 Commercial: Business organisations or individuals working for profit

Mackenzie Community Centre

Stadium (per hour) Fees 2024/25
Standard 2 $40.00
Set up charge $20.00
Regular user 3 $32.00
Commercial function 4, hourly rate $80.00
Commercial set up fee $40.00
Theatre (seats 180) (per hour) Fees 2024/25
Standard 2 $40.00
Set up cost per hour $12.00
Regular user 3 $32.00
Commercial 4 $100.00
Kitchen (per hour) Fees 2024/25
Kitchen Hire $25.00
Meeting Rooms (per hour) Fees 2024/25
Hire Lounge (includes tea making facilities and power consumption) $25.00
Lounge Hire Regular User $21.00
Furniture (Each) Fees 2024/25
Hire of chairs $2.50
Hire of forms $3.50
Hire of tables $17.50
Furniture bond $100.00
Hall hire bond Fees 2024/25
Bond fee (refundable after inspection) $402.00
  • NOTE: If furniture is required in the complex, it is not available for hire.
  • 2 Standard: Not for profit organisations or individuals
  • 3 Regular user: user with 10 or more pre-bookings
  • 4 Commercial: Business organisations or individuals working for profit


Twizel Squash Courts Fees 2024/25
Casual use fee per court$10.00
Casual use
swipe card bond
Annual Membership (Twizel only)$75.00


  • $1 coin in the meter will give players 15 minutes of lighting.
  • Lighting for both courts is run on a meter system regardless of whether you are a member or casual user.

Twizel Events Centre

Sports Hall (Casual fees per hour) Fees 2024/25
Standard 2 $40.00
Regular user 3 $32.00
Commercial 4 $81.00
Theatre (Casual fees per hour) Fees 2024/25
Standard 2 $40.00
Regular user 3 $32.00
Commercial 4 $100.00
Community Room with Kitchen (Casual fees per hour) Fees 2024/25
Standard 2 $45.00
Regular user 3 $36.00
Commercial 4 $136.00
Community Room only (Casual fees per hour) Fees 2024/25
Standard 2 $25.00
Regular user 3 $21.00
Commercial 4 $50.00
Kitchen only (Casual fees per hour) Fees 2024/25
Standard 2 $25.00
Regular user 3 $21.00
Commercial 4 $75.00
Hall hire bond Fees 2024/25
Bond fee (refundable after inspection) $250.00
  • 2 Standard: Not for profit organisations or individuals
  • 3 Regular user: user with 10 or more pre-bookings
  • 4 Commercial: Business organisations or individuals working for profit

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Information Requests

Land Information Memorandum (LIMS)

Land Information Memorandum (LIMS) Fees 2024/25
Commercial/Rural (SINGLE VALUATION NUMBER)$450.00
Note: A single LIM covering multiple valuation numbers may incur additional charges based on complexity and time -
Residential - Urgent$680.00


  • Payment must be made on application.

Internet Banking: Mackenzie District Council

A/c No. 03-0887-0226851-02

Payment Reference: Business name or surname of LIM applicant (only)
(Do not use Property Valuation Number)

Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act Requests

Requests for copies of records or information held under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987:

Fees 2024/25
The first 60 minutes of any request will be at no charge. After the first 60 minutes in responding to a request, staff time will be charged out at the following rate: $38.00 / 30 min
PhotocopyingFirst 20 pages free,
thereafter refer to the
scheduled photocopying

Property File Requests

  Fees 2024/25
Viewing of property files by property owners - fee per property$30.00
Viewing of property files by non-property owners - fee per property$30.00
Flashcard (USB) – if requested$20.00
Turnaround for viewing property files
  • Fairlie: there is a 24-hour turnaround to view a property file in Fairlie.
  • Twizel: there is a 3-day turnaround to view a property file in Twizel.

All other charges incurred shall be fixed at an amount that recovers the actual costs involved. This includes:

  • Producing a document by computer, USB or other like equipment;
  • Reproducing a film, video or audio recording;
  • Arranging for a requestor to hear or view an audio or visual recording.

In accordance with s13(4) of the Act, the Council may require that the whole or any part of any charge be paid in advance.

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Liquor Licensing and Gambling Act

Annual Licence Fees

Category Fees 2024/25
Very low$169.00
Very High$1,509.00

On/Off Licence and Club Licence Applications

Category Fees 2024/25
Very low$368.00
Very High$1,268.00

Other Application Fees

  Fees 2024/25
Planning Certificate – Renewal of On/Off License Applications where a Resource Consent has been granted or a PIM with a permitted activity status has been granted previously$130.00
Planning Certificate –  On/Off License Applications for new premises$250.00
Public notice of application fee$52.50
Managers Certificate application and renewals$332.00
Temporary Authority$311.50
Temporary License$311.50
Appeal to ARLA (paid to ARLA)$543.00
Extract of Register$60.00
Permanent Club Charter$664.00
Certificate of Compliance (alcohol)$169.00

Special Licence Fees

  Fees 2024/25
Class 3: one or two small events$66.50
Class 2: three to twelve small events, or one to three medium events$217.00
Class 1: one large event, more than three medium events, more than twelve small events$604.00

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Certificate of Title Search

  Fees 2024/25
Certificate of Title - fixed fee$50.00
Certificate of Title
plus fee per additional interest

Lake Alexandrina Lease Assignments

  Fees 2024/25
Lease Assignment $125.00


The charges listed below are for printing / copying only.

Black and White Copies Fees 2024/25
A4 single sided$0.30
A4 double sided$0.50
A3 single sided$0.60
A3 double sided$1.00
A4 Cardboard add extra$0.30
Colour Copies Fees 2024/25
A4 single sided$1.00
A4 double sided$2.00
A3 single sided$2.00
A3 double sided$4.00
Copies of Plans – (Not Aerial Photography or Maps) Fees 2024/25
A4 Colour Plan copying$1.00
A3 Colour Plan copying$2.00
A2 Colour Plan copying$8.00
A1 Colour Plan copying$10.00
A0 Colour Plan copying$15.00

Valuation Roll Enquiries

  Fees 2024/25
Abstracts from Rating Rolls – paper copy
- set fee per town

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Mobile Trading

  Fees 2024/25
Mobile Shop and Trader License$180.00
Mobile Shop and Trader License compliance inspection if required (per inspection)
fixed fee for the first hour
Mobile Shop and Trader License compliance inspection if required (per inspection)
and fixed fee per 30 minutesor part thereof after that

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Other Regulatory Charges

Unmanned Aircraft

  Fees 2024/25
Flying approval application $150.00

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Pensioner Housing

Note: Council has set its policy that the target Pensioner Housing weekly rentals will be at market rates less 20%, and that the weekly rental charged at any given time will not exceed one third of the weekly National Superannuation.

Fairlie Pensioner Housing

Target Weekly Rental Fees Fees 2024/25
Single Unit$170.00
Double Unit$225.00
Single Person in Double Unit$180.00

Twizel Pensioner Housing

Target Weekly Rental Fees Fees 2024/25
Single Unit$170.00
Double Unit$225.00
Single Person in Double Unit$180.00

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Pukaki Airport

Landing Fees

The scale of fees is based on the MCTOW kg, on a per landing basis as follows: Fees 2024/25
Aircraft up to 1,500Kg$15.00
Aircraft up to 2,500Kg$20.00
Aircraft up to 3,500Kg$40.00
Aircraft up to 5,500Kg$50.00
Aircraft greater than 5,500Kg$100.00

Administration Fees

Fees 2024/25
Monthly administration fee (for issuing an invoice)*
*Waived if all landing fees are paid within 3 working days of the landing.


Internet Banking: Mackenzie District Council
A/c No. 03-0887-0226851-02
Particulars: Name
Code: P10821
Reference: Aircraft Registration (eg ZK123)

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Resource Management Act

All Planning Applications

  Fees 2024/25
Administration (Included in the deposit fee for each application)As per scheduled staff time
Legal AdviceActual Cost
ConsultantsActual Cost
Staff costs per hour$137.00
Senior Planner$180.00
Travel Costs for site visits per km1based on prescribed IRD kilometre
Change or Cancellation of Conditions deposit – delegated authority$750.00
Commissioning a specialist reportActual Cost
Public notification deposit– (where required)$10,000.00
Limited notification – Subdivision or Land Use Consent deposit (Where required)$5,000.00
Public NoticeActual Cost

1 The travel time and travel costs for a site visit will be measured from the closest Council Office to the site visit location.


  Fees 2024/25
Planning Consultant Actual Cost
Engineering Consultant Actual Cost
Legal advice Actual Cost
Other specialist consultants Actual Cost

It is Council policy to recover all fair and reasonable costs associated with processing of applications, administration, supervision and monitoring of building consents in accordance with Section 219 of the Building Act 2004.

Council Hearings Panel

  Fees 2024/25
Chair (Councillor) - fee per hearing hour$100.00
Member (Councillor) - fee per hearing hour (set by remuneration authority)$80.00
Hearing Panel Administration/Minute Secretary - fee per hearing hour$100.00


  Fees 2024/25
Notice of Requirement deposit (including applications for heritage orders)$10,000.00
Amendment to DesignationActual Cost
Outline plan approval deposit$1,500.00
Outline plan waiver deposit$500.00

Financial Contributions

Council, under its revenue and Financing Policy, levies Financial Contributions. There contributions are levied for water, sewer and stormwater and are paid when new sections or multi-unit residential developments are created.

The formula used to calculate the contributions is:

V - L


  • V - Latest independent valuation of the water supply/sewerage system/stormwater system plus the value of any capital additions made since that time and less the value of depreciation charged since the date of revaluation.
  • L - Capital reserve balance with water supply/sewerage system/stormwater system as at 1 July each year. (The reserve may be in funds or overdrawn resulting in a positive or negative balance.)
  • R - Number of connectable properties (or properties for stormwater) contributing to the assets as at 1 July each year.

Independent Commissioners

  Fees 2024/25
Independent Commissioner Actual Cost

Land Use

  Fees 2024/25
Enhancement/restoration to historic buildingNo Charge
Resource consent exemption for boundary activities$250.00
Resource consent exemption for marginal/temporary rule breach$250.00
Controlled activity deposit$750.00
Restricted discretionary activity deposit$1,000.00
Discretionary activity deposit$1,250.00
Non-complying activity deposit$1,250.00


  Fees 2024/25
Compliance Monitoring - fee per hour$280.00
Issuing an abatement notice$1,310.00
Noise monitoring & noise complaintsAt cost

Plan Change

  Fees 2024/25
District Plan change - deposit $25,000

It is Council policy to recover all fair and reasonable costs associated with processing of applications, administration, and monitoring of resource consents in accordance with Section 36 of the Resource Management Act 1991.


  Fees 2024/25
Certificate of compliance deposit$1,500.00
Certificate of existing use deposit$1,500.00
Section 348 LGA 1974 – ROW’s deposit$1,000.00
HAIL Search$310.00

A HAIL search consists of a search of Council records for Hazardous Activities and Industries (HAIL) in relation to a site in accordance with the “National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health”, and Natural and Geotechnical Hazards.

Schedule of Financial Contributions

Utility Fees 2024/25
Water $11,900.58 + GST
Sewer $7,289.48 + GST
Stormwater $2,710.30 + GST

Staff Charge-Out Rates - Resource Management Act

Per hour (15 minute increments to the nearest quarter of an hour) Fees 2024/25
Planning Officer$150.00
Senior Planning Officer$180.00
Planning Manager/Group Manager Operations$200.00
Engineering Officer$180.00
Engineering Manager/Group Manager Operations$200.00


Fees 2024/25
Subdivision Consent deposit$1,200.00
Section 223 deposit (Individual application)$300.00
Section 223 and 224 deposit (Joint application)$600.00
Section 224 deposit (Individual application)$450.00
Section 226 Certification deposit$500.00
Lapsing Period Extension deposit$400.00

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Solid Waste

Charges for off-loading of waste by the public at a Resource Recovery Park.

Car Body

  Fees 2024/25
Car body $150.00

Clean Fill

Fees 2024/25
Clean fill per cubic metre $56.00

Commercial Waste

Fees 2024/25
Commercial recycling - per tonne including GST*$255.00
Commercial refuse - per tonne including GST*$394.00
Commercial glass - per tonne including GST*$75.00

* Commercial waste, recycling and glass fees apply to material disposed of from a Commercial Waste Operator as per the Solid Waste Bylaw - Twizel Resource Recovery Park only.

Green Waste

Fees 2024/25
Green waste per cubic metre $26.50
Green waste minimum charge $8.00

Recyclable Materials

Fees 2024/25
Co-mingled recycling and glass (other than recyclable materials specified below)No charge
Whiteware – fee per item$35.00
Electronic waste - Televisions - fee per item$20.00
Electronic waste - Photocopiers small and medium (under 0.5m3) - fee per item$31.00
Electronic waste - Photocopiers large (over 0.5m3) - fee per item$53.00
Electronic waste - all othe miscellaneous items are accepted at no chargeNo charge
Metal - fee per cubic metre$25.00
Metal minimum charge$8.00
Polystyrene - domestic quantities under 1 cubic metreNo charge
Polystyrene - quantities 1 cubic metre and over - fee per cubic metre$10.00
Childs car seat - each$5.00

Solid Waste - Administration

Additional Roadside Collection Bins
Fees 2024/25

Additional set of bins

  • one off administration charge for the supply of a second set of bins for a property (no charge for supply of first set of bins), this administration charge is additional to the annual cost of the service.
Annual cost of additional roadside collection bins (per set of bins). $370.00

The cost of this service in 2023-2024 is $370.00 (per set of bins) starting from July 2024. The cost of the bins for 2024-2025 will be pro-rated accordingly based on the month ordered and an invoice sent out for this cost.

The annual cost of the service for subsequent years will be added to your rates invoice from the next rating year, starting in July 2025.


Fees 2024/25
Car and 4WD tyres – per tyre$12.00
Truck tyres – per tyre$24.00
Tractor tyres – per tyre$57.00

Waste Accepted via Weighbridge

Fees 2024/25
Refuse - fee per tonne $433.50
Green waste - fee per tonne $84.00
Metal - fee per tonne $73.00
Clean Fill - fee per tonne $58.00

Waste NOT Accepted via Weighbridge Refuse

Fees 2024/25
Refuse per cubic metre $112.00
Refuse minimum charge $8.00
Mattress - single (per item) $22.00
Mattress - double (per item) $37.00

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Sports Grounds

Events on Parks and Reserves Fees 2024/25
General Reserves $50.00
Additional bins $20.00
Weddings $50.00
Community festivals & events $50.00
Commerical Operations* upon application
Event application and  Health & Safety processing and assessment
fee per application

* Commercial: Business organisations or individuals working for profit

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Stock Control

  Fees 2024/25
Call-out for wandering stock$80.00
Call-out for wandering stock- second offence (within any 12-month period)$160.00
Call-out for wandering stock- third offence (within any 12-month period)$320.00
Impounding fee per head, when stock have to be transported for impounding$100.00
Sustenance per day/per animal$10.00

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Swimming Pools

Strathconan Swimming Pool (Fairlie) and Twizel Swimming Pool

  Fees 2024/25
Senior (Gold Card)$4.50
Community Services (Card Needed)$4.50
Student (Student ID)$4.50
Pre-Schooler with a paying caregiver (under 5, over 16)Free
Concession Ticket 
Adult Concession Ticket (12 swims)$55.00
Senior (Gold Card) $45.00
Community Services (Card Needed)$45.00
Child Concession Ticket (12 swims)$35.00
Season Pass 
Adult $195.00
Senior (Gold Card) $155.00
Community Services (Card Needed)$155.00
Child Season Pass$120.00
Family Season Pass (Up to two adults and three children)$295.00
School Booking (per hour) (If pre-booked)$50.00
Private Hire, 1 lifeguard (per hour)$80.00
Private Hire, 2 lifeguards (per hour)$120.00

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Payment Methods

Automatic payment

Ratepayers may direct credit a regular amount from their bank account into the Council's account. To avoid penalties, automatic payments should be set to clear each instalment by the due date. Council staff can help you to calculate this amount.

Credit Card Payments

  • Credit card payments for Council services are available at the Fairlie Council office.
  • Mackenzie District Council charges a surcharge of 2.20% per transaction for this service. The surcharge is automatically applied to help recover bank fees. There is a minimum service fee of $1.00.
  • You should check with your card issuer for details about fees or changes that may also apply as this credit card transaction is carried out in terms of their arrangement between you and your card issuer.
  • All overpayments or incorrect payments made from your credit card will be refunded to your nominated bank account on a mutually agreed date.
  • The name that will appear on your statement will be "Mackenzie District Council".

Cash and EFTPOS

Cash and EFTPOS payments may be made at the Fairlie and Twizel Council offices.

Direct debit (Rates Easypay)

Options available for payment by direct debit quarterly (installment due date). You complete and sign a direct debit application form (also available from all service centres) and we advise the amount of each payment on the Installment invoice, and the dates that payments will be debited. If you want to stop or change a direct debit, call the Council to advise or request a new Form.

Direct Debit Form

Internet or phone banking transfer

Installment payments or a regular amount may be transferred to the Council through phone or internet banking. The bank account for phone/internet payments is:

Account number: 03 0887 0226851 02.

Please fill in the online banking reference sections as follows:

Particulars: Your surname
Code: Rates
Reference: Your valuation number (you will find this on your rates invoice)

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