Creative Communities Scheme Application - Online form

Creative NZ

The Creative Communities Fund supports and encourages arts activities within the Mackenzie District.

Under the scheme 'the arts' are broadly defined as 'all forms of creative and interpretive expression'. This includes creative participation in dance, performance, visual arts, music, arts education, toi Maori, literary workshops, digital storytelling and more.

The Creative Communities Scheme is a partnership between Creative New Zealand (the national arts development agency) and local councils in New Zealand. Each council takes responsibility for delivering the scheme in its area. Local decision-making is the key to the scheme: applications are considered by assessment committees with knowledge and experience of the arts in their area.

Before you start

Before you prepare your application you should read the Creative Communities Scheme Application Guide. This guide tells you:

  • whether you are able to apply for Creative Communities Scheme funding for your project
  • which projects and costs are eligible and ineligible
  • what information you will need to include in your application

Applications for the third funding round close Friday 11 April 2025 at 5:00pm.

Part 1: Applicant details

Are you applying as an individual or group?




All correspondence will be sent to the above email or postal address.






(If GST registered)


Ethnicity of applicant/group


You can select multiple options

Would you like to speak in support of your application at the CCS assessment committee meeting?


If you mark yes, talk to your local CCS administrator before you go so you know who you will be speaking to and for how long.

How did you hear about the Creative Communities Scheme?


Select one.

Part 2: Project details




Start date
Finish date



Funding criteria


Which of the schemes three funding criteria are you applying under? If your project meets more than one criterion, choose the one that is the project’s main focus.

Artform or cultural arts practice

Select one.


Activity best describes your project?

Select one.


What do you want to do?


How will the project happen?


Tell us about the key people and/or the groups involved.


Tell us how this project will deliver to your selected criterion: access and participation, diversity or young people.


Part 2b: Project details - budget

Are you GST registered?
See the CCS Application Guide for more detail on how to complete this section.



Write down all the costs of your project and include the details, eg materials, venue hire, promotion, equipment hire, artist fees and personnel costs.

Item eg hall hire Detail eg 3 days’ hire at $100 per day Amount eg $300

Please attach quotes as supporting documents. Applications without quotes are less likely to be granted.



Write down all the income you will get for your project from ticket sales, sale of artwork, other grants, donations, your own funds, other fundraising. Do not include the amount you will be requesting from CCS.

Income eg ticket sales Detail eg 250 tickets at $15 per ticket Amount eg $3,750



This is the maximum amount you can request from CCS.



Remember you cannot receive funds for your project from both CCS and Creative New Zealand’s other funding programmes


Date applied Who to How much Confirmed / unconfirmed


Date Project title Amount received Project completion report submitted (yes/no)

Groups or organisations must provide a copy of their latest financial statement. This can be a copy of the audited accounts, an income and expenditure statement or a copy of the unaudited management accounts.

Please also attach quotes where applicable.

If your group or organisation has reserves which are not being used for this project you should include your reserves statement or policy.

Please upload in either PDF, PNG or JPG formats.

Part 3: Declaration



You must read and sign the following. Please select each box to show that you have read the information and agree to each section.

If this application is successful, I/we agree to:


Related Using the Creative NZ logo




Before submitting your application, complete this checklist


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View the Mackenzie District Council Privacy Policy and Statement

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For your application to be considered, please be sure to include all quotes, current financial statements and if required, supporting material as explained in the Creative Communities Scheme Application Guide.