Genesis Tekapo Township Fund banner image

Genesis Tekapo Township Fund

Genesis Energy provides funding to support promotion of the Tekapo township.

Genesis Tekapo Township Fund

Genesis Energy has an agreement with Mackenzie District Council in relation to water rights and provides funding to the council annually under this agreement for the promotion of the Tekapo township.

Funding of up to $15,000 per year is available via a process administered by the Mackenzie District Council and the Tekapo Community Board.

Grant applications are evaluated by the Tekapo Community Board according to the following criteria:

  • How will the project promote the Tekapo township?
  • Who will the grant directly benefit? Will it benefit ratepayers/residents in the Tekapo Township? If so, how many?
  • Are there any other bodies specifically designed to cater for these type of requests e.g. Mid-South Canterbury Trust or Lottery Grants Commission?
  • Has the organisation received, or have they applied for, funds from other organisations for the same project? If so, how much?
  • How much of their own funds does the organisation have to put towards this request/project?
  • Is the organisation/individual a non-profit body and able to accurately account for any funds granted?
  • Will the project be completed within one year?
  • Has the organisation supplied all information on the application form including a set of accounts?
  • What is the effect on the individual/organisation if the application is not supported?

Funding is only available for projects completed within the year of application. Applications must not commit the Tekapo Community Board to multiple-year expenditure of the grant.

Once the application period has closed the Tekapo Community Board will assess the applications and recommend the allocation of funds.

You must be able to account for how the grant is spent. Any funds not spent in the year awarded must be returned to Council.

Closing Date

Applications close on Friday 16 August 2024, at 5:00pm.

Apply online

Apply for a Community Board Grant.

How do I apply?

Fill out the online form before the closing date.

Your application will be considered by the Tekapo Community Board, and their recommendations will be considered at the next Council meeting. You are welcome to attend the meeting and speak at the public forum if there is anything you would like to add to your application.

After the meeting you will be notified of the result of your application. If it is successful you will be asked to supply an invoice for the amount granted, and proof of your bank account number (such as a deposit slip). Payment usually follows on or about the 20th of the month.

For more information, please contact:

Jean Proctor,
Community Advisor – Projects and Funding
Mackenzie District Council

PO Box 52,
Main Street, Fairlie 7949

Phone: (03) 685 9010
Mobile: 027 269 0217


Reports on Previous Grants

To be advised.