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Mackenzie County Scholarship

First year tertiary education scholarships, for secondary school students living within the Mackenzie District.

Mackenzie County Scholarship

Applications are invited from students currently:

  • Attending Mackenzie College, Fairlie
  • Attending Twizel Area School, Twizel
  • Who are residents of the Mackenzie District, or one of whose parents (or the student's principal guardian/caregiver) is a permanent resident of the Mackenzie District*

      * Please note that students who fall within this category are eligible for this scholarship if they reside within the Mackenzie District but study via online learning, home schooling or at an alternative school outside of the district.

The Trust has Scholarships available for the first year tertiary education of post Year 12 NCEA Level 2 level.

Details of the scholarships are also available from:

  • Mackenzie College
  • Twizel Area School
  • Mackenzie District Council Offices, Fairlie and Twizel.

Closing Date

Applications close on Friday 11 October 2024.

Apply online

Apply for the Mackenzie County Scholarship.

Terms and conditions

Applications must be on the prescribed form, and applicants may be called for an interview.

Completed online application forms are to arrive before the deadline.

These Scholarships have been made possible by the kind sponsorship from: