Long Term Plan 2021-2031

The Long Term Plan is Council's main planning document. It details the activities Council intends to carry out over the next ten years, how much these activities will cost, and how they will be funded.

This includes:

  • What Council plans to do for the community over the next ten years;
  • The range of services that we will provide, including the improvements we will make, and the projects we are planning for existing and new infrastructure;
  • The level of performance that our communities can expect from us;
  • How much we estimate the services will cost; and
  • How this will impact on our rates and how much ratepayers will need to pay.

You can read the Long Term Plan 2021-2031 (as adopted on 14 December 2021) below:

Part 1Introduction
Part 2Council Activities
Part 3Financials and Rates
Part 4Appendices
Part 5Audit Report

Previous Long Term Plans