Live District Plan Review Stages
- Stage One: Strategic Chapters - Fully Operative 28 April 2023
- Stage Two: Spatial Plans Implementation & Light - PC22 Light is Fully Operative 13 July 2023. PC21 Spatial Plans Implementation is Fully Operative 14 September 2023
- Stage Three: Rural Areas
- Stage Four: Stage Four
- District Plan Review timeline (Nov 2023)
Webinar Recordings
- District Plan Review practitioners update - webinar recording, 4 April 2022
- District Plan Review Stage 2 update - webinar recording, 23 May 2022
- District Plan Review practitioners update - webinar recording, 28 September 2022
- District Plan Review Stage 3 practitioners update - webinar recording, 16 March 2023
- District Plan Review Stage 3 practitioners webinar - webinar recording, 19 July 2023
- District Plan Review Stage 4 practitioners update - webinar recording, 22 August 2023
- District Plan Review Stage 4 practitioners webinar - webinar recording, 4 July 2024
The below stages are currently live and in the process of working through the statutory consultative process – please click on the below links to learn more.
Stage One: Strategic Chapters
The Mackenzie District Council formally approved Plan Change 20 to the Mackenzie District Plan on 28 March 2023. The provisions in Plan Change 20 are fully operative as of 28 April 2023.
Stage Two: Spatial Plans Implementation & Light
The Mackenzie District Council formally approved Plan Change 22 to the Mackenzie District Plan on 27 June 2023. The provisions in Plan Change 22 are fully operative as of 13 July 2023.
The Mackenzie District Council formally approved Plan Change 21 to the Mackenzie District Plan on 29 August 2023. The provisions in Plan Change 21 are fully operative as of 14 September 2023.
Stage Three: Rural Areas
The Mackenzie District Plan Review is continuing to progress, and Stage Three of the Review is underway. These are the Plan Changes below:
- PC23 Rural & Natural Environment
- PC24 Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori
- PC25 Rural Lifestyle
- PC26 Energy and Infrastructure
- PC27 Subdivision, Earthworks and Transport
For the latest updates and background information, check out the info online here.
Stage Four:
The Mackenzie District Plan Review is continuing to progress, and Stage Four of the Review is underway. This stage covers the below topics:
- PC28 Twizel Industrial (Road Metals)
- PC29 Hazards & Risks
- Historical Heritage
- Notable Trees
- Noise
- Signs
- Temporary Activities
- Open Spaces
- Airport
- Pukaki Village
- Pukaki Downs
- Designations
- Tourist G & Open Space G
For the latest updates and background information, check out the info online here.
Find out more
To find out more on the specific provisions of the plan changes, please Click Here
About the District Plan Review
Mackenzie District Council is planning for the future with a review of the Mackenzie District Plan
We’re updating the District Plan to ensure it ensures we can grow in a sustainable way, while protecting the things that make the Mackenzie District special.
Mackenzie's current or 'Operative' District Plan can be found here.
A District Plan is essentially the rule book that sets district-wide rules for sustainably managing how people use, subdivide and develop land, what and where they can build and also what kind of activities they can undertake.
The Plan also controls any adverse effects an activity could have on the neighbourhood and protects the uniqueness of our district by looking after our heritage, cultural values, outstanding landscapes and coastal environment among other matters.
The Mackenzie District Plan (District Plan) is currently 15 years old and needs to be reviewed and updated to better respond to the effects of growth, bring it into line with national and regional planning instruments, and implement the newly created Mackenzie Spatial Plans.
The effects of growth and development are being felt across the Mackenzie District, both positive and negative. The current planning framework is outdated and has not kept pace with growth. This is leading to outcomes that were not anticipated when the operative District Plan was drafted and are affecting the communities of the Mackenzie.
There are a number of issues at play in the Mackenzie District that are creating pressures for both locals and visitors while impacting infrastructure and amenity values. Four key problems have been identified by elected members that need to be addressed.
- Uncoordinated and fragmented development is enabled, disrupting social and economic wellbeing, putting pressure on infrastructure.
- Failure to protect our natural landscapes, water and indigenous biodiversity, erodes Mackenzie’s unique environment.
- Mana whenua values and footprint are missing, reducing the strength of the plan & inhibiting the ability of our tangata and mokopuna to thrive.
- The outdated and permissive nature of the plan, results in inconsistent and ad hoc decision making, creating perverse and undesirable outcomes.
These are the District Plan Review’s investment objectives:
- Improved social and economic outcomes, and resilience
- Enhancing and protecting our natural environment and landscapes.
- Mana whenua values are protected and integrated for future generations.
- The plan is fit for purpose & future focused.
Partnering with mana whenua and the community, the District Plan will look to raise the bar for the future of the Mackenzie District. It will ensure MDC can manage the effects of growth while planning for the future. It will also ensure the environmental, social and economic needs of each community are provided for.
It is proposed to work through the plan in stages which, once complete, will achieve a fully replaced district plan in the National Planning Standard format. The objective is to give effect to all relevant regional and national statutory documents via this process. The development of each chapter will include a review to ensure regional and national compliance, with specific provisions or cross references included where appropriate.
The review will be staged as follows:
Stage 1: Strategic Chapters
Stage 2: Spatial Plans Implementation, Light
Stage 3: PC23 Rural & Natural Environment, PC24 Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori, PC25 Rural Lifestyle, PC26 Energy & Infrastructure, PC27 Subdivision, Transport & Earthworks
Stage 4: PC28 Twizel Industrial (Road Metals), PC29 Hazards & Risks, Historical Heritage, Notable Trees, Noise, Signs, Temporary Activities, Open Spaces, Airport, Pukaki Village, Pukaki Downs, Designations, Tourist G & Open Space G
Stage 5: Remaining Provisions
Visit the District Plan Review engagement page at 'Lets Talk' to learn more and find out about how you can be part of the conversation.
The District Plan is of critical importance to the community as it sets the rules for what is allowed to happen in the district – how your land can be used and how others’ land can be used – it is the core statutory document that drives land use in the district.
Community input will be needed at every step along the way - both to shape the provisions of each stage, and through the statutory consultation process that is required when each stage is officially notified.
As each stage begins we will create a specific engagement page below - stay tuned for more updates.
If you want to know more or would like to sign up for further notifications, please email and request to be added to the District Plan Review mailing list.