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New Toilets for Fairlie

We’re nearly there – the new toilets in Fairlie are nearly complete and we are looking forward to the fences coming down and the toilets being open for public use in the next couple of weeks.

The core of the funding for this project has been a grant from the Tourism Infrastructure Fund (TIF). The TIF funding of $1.76M was for toilets in three locations in Mackenzie: Fairlie, Pukaki and Ruataniwha.

The bulk of the Fairlie build has now been completed and we are just working through a minor issue with the connection to the water supply. We don’t want to work in the park when the weather is bad and wreck the grass, but we will do this final piece of work as soon as we can.

The final step before the toilets are available for use is for them to get their Public Use Certificate. All public buildings are required to be certified for public use, and we do not anticipate any holdups with this.

When the weather is right the landscaping will be completed to help them settle into their new environment.

Fairlie Toilets

New Fairlie toilets nearing completion.