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Community Parks & Facilities Reports/Strategy Development

Council commissioned Xyst Limited to undertake an independent review of its Community Facilities and Parks Assets in 2020.

The results of the review were presented to the Community Boards and Councillors. Several issues and challenges were highlighted in the report, and, in the first instance, Council has prioritised further work in areas where there may be health and safety implications.

Areas for immediate further investigation include:

  • Swimming pools in Fairlie and Twizel
  • Twizel youth club premises
  • Machinery display in Twizel
  • Playground equipment
  • Peace Avenue trees
  • Trees in parks and public spaces

Over the coming weeks, Council will start to receive more detailed reports on the above matters, which include recommendations on how to mitigate the identified risks. These reports will be shared with Community Boards, and where appropriate we will gather feedback from the relevant stakeholders and the wider community before making recommendations to Council. In cases where the identified risk is high, Council may have to act immediately to mitigate the risk. Where this is the case, we will keep the community and stakeholders informed but will not be able to debate or engage on actions.

As the picture of the asset condition emerges through this work, the level of investment required is likely to be significant. Our communities will have choices to make about where the current funds available should be prioritised.

Council is also working to develop strategy documents for Parks, Play areas, Toilets and Trails.

These documents will guide future investment and ensure that developments in this area meet the needs of the community, are of a high standard, fully compliant and fit for purpose and that adequate provision is made when rates are set in the future to allow for appropriate long-term repairs and maintenance. Residents and ratepayers will have multiple opportunities to have input as these strategy documents are developed, and we will be undertaking pre-engagement with the community in the first quarter of 2021.

Subsequent Assessments