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Te Manahuna Ki Uta - Destination Mackenzie

Mackenzie District Council, Manawhenua, Government and the community are working together to curate a 100-year vision for Te Manahuna/Mackenzie District.

We will map a more sustainable future for our taoka (treasure) through developing a Destination Management Plan.

The longā€term goal is to achieve a vibrant, dynamic, and sustainable future: one that speaks to visitors and our community - manawhenua, locals, farmers, adventure seekers, artists and conservationists.

We want to hear from you! Why is the basin special to you and why? What must we act to protect now, to ensure that what’s important remains unspoiled for our grandchildren and their grandchildren?

To learn more about the project, and to have your say, please see the Media Release, FAQ document, or visit Mackenzie District Council’s engagement website.

Feedback is open until 5pm,  Monday 23 August.



Contact information

Name: Chris Clarke, Communications Advisor
