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Three Waters - Mackenzie District Council response

The Mackenzie District Council opposes the Crowns’ proposed model to establish four large water entities and remove the three waters assets and services from local councils based on the information supplied by the Crown to date.

Council is not convinced that the proposed model provides the best outcomes for our District, our people, or New Zealand.

Councils’ independent analysis seriously questions the validity of the information supplied to date. The Council is very disappointed by the significant amount of information missing at this stage of the process. Councils modelling shows that the large entities does not deliver economic benefits for Mackenzie District and so this leads them to question all of the projected economic benefits.

As a result, based on the information available at present, Mackenzie District Council believe its imperative that the Crown recalculate its position using correct data, integrates all its reform processes relating to local government, set realistic timeframes around the process and proceed in true partnership with Councils, runanga and our communities.

This reform is too critical for the Crown to recklessly progress as it currently is doing on information that at best is highly questionable.

Despite the above comments, the Council agrees that the three waters sector faces many challenges and the status quo is not necessarily an option everywhere. There is a need for significant investment to ensure Aotearoa’s water is safe to drink for all, the water environment is made fit for purpose and New Zealand’s infrastructure is sustainable and resilient.

Council has acted in good faith and been open through out the first phase of the reform process. It now calls on the Crown to reciprocate this good faith by using the correct data provided, and working with Council, runanga and the community utilising true collaboration and open consultation.

The full submission from Mackenzie District Council to the government and supporting documents can be found on our 'Lets Talk' 3 waters reform webpage.