District Plan Banner - PC22 Light banner image

Plan Change 22 - Light

Pursuant to Clause 10 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 the Mackenzie District Council gives public notice of the decision of the Independent Hearing Panel on Plan Change 22 to the Mackenzie District Plan.

Plan Change 22 forms part of Stage 2 of the review and replaces (in part) the following sections of the Mackenzie District Plan:

  • Section 12 – Signs, Outdoor Lighting and Aerial Distractions

The Plan Change has been drafted in accordance with the National Planning Standards and incorporates the following components:

Part 2 – District-wide Matters

  • Light

All information on Plan Change 22 including the decision report is available here. 


Any person who made a submission on Plan Change 22 may appeal to the Environment Court against the decision.

Appeals must be in the format prescribed and lodged with the Environment Court within 30 days (by 19th May 2023) of this notice being served.

The applicant must also serve a copy of the notice in the prescribed manner to the Mackenzie District Council. Attention is drawn to Clause 14 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.

Angela Oosthuizen
Chief Executive

On behalf of Mackenzie District Council
Notification Date: 4 April 2023