We have been made aware of some misleading information circulating regarding the Long-Term Plan process which may cause confusion to residents and ratepayers.
We hope the following will provide some clarity.
Council adopted the Consultation Document for the upcoming Long-Term Plan at an extraordinary meeting yesterday evening.
Council have requested some minor changes to the draft consultation documents which are being made today. The consultation period is scheduled to commence at 5pm this afternoon, and details won’t be available before then.
We’ll be posting relevant information on our website and social media at that time, and publishing information via local print media in the coming days with details of the various mechanisms to provide feedback, and details of a number of drop-in sessions, at which councillors and key staff will be available to answer your questions.
Following the consultation period, which runs for a month, there will be the opportunity for submitters to address councillors at a hearing, if they wish to do so. Council then consider all the feedback provided during the consultation period before the Long Term Plan is finalised and adopted.
This process takes some time and the Long Term Plan itself will not be adopted until 25 July.