Public notice of the summary of decisions requested in submissions, and date for making any further submissions.
Pursuant to Clause 7 of the First Schedule of the Resource Management Act 1991, the Mackenzie District Council (the Council) gives public notice of the availability of a summary of decisions requested by persons making submissions on:
- Plan Change 28 – Hazards and Risks, Historic Heritage and Notable Trees, Variation 1 to Plan Change 26, and Variation 1 to Plan Change 27
- Plan Change 29 – Open Space and Recreation Zones, Noise, Signs and Temporary Activities, Variation 1 Plan Change 23, Variation 2 to Plan Change 26, and Variation 2 to Plan Change 27
- Plan Change 30 – Special Purpose Zones, Variation 2 Plan Change 23, Variation 3 to Plan Change 26, and Variation 3 to Plan Change 27
- The Designations Chapter
Proposed Plan Changes 28, 29 and 30, the Variations, and Designations, form Stage 4 of the review of the Mackenzie District Plan and have been drafted in accordance with the National Planning Standards.
The summary of decisions requested and the submissions can be inspected at > District Plan Review - Stage Four.
Paper copies of the summary of decisions requested and submissions are also available for viewing at the Council Offices in Fairlie, 53 Main Street, and Twizel, Market Place on request.
The following persons may make a further submission on proposed Plan Changes 28, 29 and 30, the Variations, and Designations:
- any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest;
- any person that has interest in the proposed Plan Changes, Variations and Designations greater than the general public has; and
- the local authority itself.
Making a Further Submission
A further submission may be made via email and/or post.
Plan Changes 28/29/30, Variations and Designations to the Mackenzie District Plan
Mackenzie District Council
PO Box 52, Main Street Fairlie
Further submissions must be in the format prescribed by Form 6 and must be served on the original submitter within five working days after it is served on the Council. Paper further submission forms are available at the Council Offices in Fairlie and Twizel. A further submission must be limited to a matter in support of or opposition to a submission that has been made.
The closing date for lodging a further submission is 5.00pm 24 February 2025.
Once the closing date for further submissions has passed, Council hearings for Plan Changes 28, 29 and 30, the Variations, and Designations will be arranged to consider all submissions. Anyone who has made a submission or further submission and indicated that they wish to be heard will have the right to attend the hearings and present their submission.
Any person who has made a submission has the right to appeal against the decision on the Plan Changes 28, 29 and 30, the Variations, and Designations to the Environment Court if in relation to a provision or matter that is the subject of the appeal, the person referred to the provision or matter in the person’s submission on the proposal.
If you have any questions regarding Plan Changes 28, 29 and 30, the Variations, and Designations or the further submission process, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Department at 03 685 9010 or via email
Angela Oosthuizen, Chief Executive
On behalf of Mackenzie District Council
Notification Date: 10th February 2025.