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Submissions welcomed for the Heritage Protection Fund

Council are currently taking submissions for the Heritage Protection Fund. This fund is available to assist and actively encourage property owners and members of the Mackenzie community to manage, maintain, preserve and enhance the heritage values of items or areas.

It provides a partial contribution towards the costs of a specific project related to a building, item or place.

The fund is allocated $5000 each financial year by Council which is then contestable by applicants.

Eligible for funding are:


  • Items or places listed on the Heritage Items Schedule of the District Plan
  • Trees listed in the Protected Trees Schedule
  • Archaeological sites and wahi tapu sites as identified by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust.

Projects eligible may be:

  • Preservation/conservation projects
  • Enhancement/management projects
  • Research and education projects.

The fund does not apply to projects that will demolish or remove buildings or items, or add or extend buildings or items, nor any work that has been completed prior to the consideration of an application. However, Council does reserve a right to consider these types of projects for funding if appropriate circumstances exist.

At least two quotes must be supplied that provide a breakdown of the costs. The criteria and amount of funding available for different categories of heritage items is provided in the Policy, as well as a full breakdown of the information that needs to be attached with an application.

Council calls for applications to be made for the Heritage Protection Fund in March each year. The applications are presented at a Council Meeting. Information provided will be publicly available as it will be a part of the Council Agenda.

Applications for 2025 are due on Monday 31 March.

Further information, and the application form is here.

Contact information

Name: Mackenzie District Council Planning Team

Phone: (03) 685 9010

Email: planning@mackenzie.govt.nz