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Building Consent forms and guides

Forms, guides and related documents for building consents and applications.

Building Consent forms and guides

General Information

Email all building consent applications to

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If you are unable to email your application, please contact us on (03) 685 9010.

The Building Act 2004 ushered in new legislation to govern the building industry from 30 November 2004.

The new Building Act aims to improve control of, and encourage better practices in building design and construction. This means:

  1. more clarity on the standards we expect buildings to meet
  2. more guidance on how those standards can be met
  3. more certainty that capable people are undertaking building design, construction and inspection
  4. more scrutiny in the building consent and inspection process
  5. better protection for homeowners through the introduction of mandatory warranties.

The Building Act 2004 repeals the Building Act 1991 and dissolved the Building Industry Authority, which regulated the building industry under the 1991 Act. Administration of the Building Act is completed by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

Further information about the Building Act 2004 can be found at This site also provides guidance and information about your rights and responsibilities as you build or renovate.

The following bulletin is to provide you with an update as to the Mackenzie District Council Building Control Departments current view around required on site engineering monitoring.


The Building Act 2004 Part 1 subpart 7 includes under plans and specifications states-

(b) includes the proposed procedures for inspection during construction, alterations, demolition, or removal of a building.

When the Building Control Authority (BCA) process a building consent application in many cases third party inspections are identified and when applicable, form part of the approved building consent.

For example, Geotechnical site observation or structural engineering on site observation.

The BCA are having numerous issues with engineers not conducting on site monitoring and not providing site reports with a PS4.

This has then created issues with your clients achieving insurance requirements as the BCA are unable to issue Code Compliance.

Council Inspections

It is worth noting that whilst the Council look at foundations, slabs, etc we also look at other factors to which an engineers will not, for example, location of building to boundaries, sediment control matters, etc.

When an engineer has stated that they will undertake site monitoring as listed in their schedule of inspections which accompanies the PS1, it would be fair to say that would be the expectation.

If, however, this does not occur, this then creates issues when the BCA are undertaking a review of documents required to support the approved building consent with an application for Code Compliance.

In other words, the BCA cannot be satisfied on reasonable grounds that the completed works are, in, fact in accordance with the approved documents.


It is the view of the BCA that where third-party verification has been shown on the approved consented documents and this has not been provided at the required inspection, the BCA will block future inspections occurring until the required documentation has been supplied for verification.

It is, therefore, vital that you check all the required items listed with the approved building consent and engage your engineer at your earliest convenience to enable the required inspections to occur by them.

In order for Mackenzie District Council Building Consent Authority to effectively process building consent applications the following changes are being implemented and are effective immediately.

Ground bearing verification

Confirmation of site soil bearing capacity needs to be provided at application stage in order for the building consent officer processing the application to be satisfied on reasonable grounds the proposed foundation design is in accordance with the nominated compliance path, i.e. NZS3604:2011.
NZS3604:2011 Section 3 provides test methods for determining soil bearing capacity for buildings designed in accordance with the standard.

If a site does not comply with the definition of good ground, as described in NZS3604:2011, the foundations shall be the subject of specific engineering design (SED) and investigation as appropriate

Specific Engineering Design (SED) elements

Where building consent applications contain significant Specific Engineering Design (SED) elements supported by a PS1 statement (Design) an appropriate construction monitoring schedule, from a suitably qualified individual (CPEng) will be required to be provided as part of the Building Consent application documentation.

Minor SED elements contained within the design will be assessed for suitability of inspection by MDC Building Inspectors at time of processing.

Guidance on how to manage the Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF) process in the event that a scheduled IMR procedure has been missed is on the 'Inspection and maintenance of specified systems' page here.

The page also contains links to the new forms that have been developed. This guidance is not mandatory but offers an option for building owners and TAs where there are legitimate reasons for the missed procedures.

Update on Plumbing and drainage, protection from fire , structural stability of hollow core floors and energy efficiency.

Find out more.

Forms and Guides

Note: To fill in form fields within a PDF (where applicable), the PDF will require downloading first, before being opened in a PDF reader.

Amusement devices

  • Amusement Devices - Application for a permit to operate - PDF form
  • BCA Forms and Checklists

  • Building Consents - Building Consent Application Checklist - PDF form
  • Building Consents - Form 2 - Application for project information memorandum and/or building consent - PDF form
  • Building Consents - Form 6 - Application for Code Compliance Certificate - PDF form
  • Statutory Declaration - Owner-Builder Status - PDF form
  • BWOF/Compliance Schedule Forms

  • Building Consents - Specified system form for building consent applications - Form - MDC CS2 - PDF form
  • Building Consents - Specified system list for building consent applications - MDC - PDF form
  • BWOF/Compliance Schedule Guides

  • BWOF Guidance - MBIE website
  • Compliance Schedule Handbook
  • IQP Search
  • Building Consent Template Forms

  • Building Consents - Drainage Plan Template - PDF form
  • Building Consents - Producer Statement PS3 Template - PDF form
  • Building Consent User Guide

  • Building Consent User Guide v 4.9
  • Earthquake Prone Buildings

  • Earthquake-prone building legislation changes - 26 November 2024 - MBIE website
  • Earthquake Prone Buildings
  • Managing Earthquake Prone Buildings - MBIE website
  • Regulatory Guidance Documents

  • Complaint Policy
  • Guidance on Plumbing and Drainage Supervision
  • Swimming Pools

  • Building (Pools) Amendment Act 2016
  • NZBC F9 - Means of restricting access to residential pools - MBIE website
  • Swimming Pool Checklist for Owners
  • TA Forms and Checklists

  • Building Consents - Application for Certificate For Public Use - PDF form
  • Building Consents - Application for Certificate of Acceptance - PDF form
  • Building Consents - Application for Discretionary Exemption - PDF form
  • Compliance Schedule - Application for Amendment (MDC11) - PDF form
  • Exempt Building Work Notification - PDF form