Property File Information Request - Online form

Requestor’s details








Address & identification of requested property for information






Please tick if you accept the statement below


(Viewing of property files fee is listed below)

How do you wish to receive your information


(USB stick fee is listed below)

Please identify your payment type


Property File Requests fees and additional notes

  Fees 2024/25
Viewing of property files by property owners - fee per property$30.00
Viewing of property files by non-property owners - fee per property$30.00
Flashcard (USB) – if requested$20.00
Turnaround for viewing property files
  • Fairlie: there is a 24-hour turnaround to view a property file in Fairlie.
  • Twizel: there is a 3-day turnaround to view a property file in Twizel.

All other charges incurred shall be fixed at an amount that recovers the actual costs involved. This includes:

  • Producing a document by computer, USB or other like equipment;
  • Reproducing a film, video or audio recording;
  • Arranging for a requestor to hear or view an audio or visual recording.

In accordance with s13(4) of the Act, the Council may require that the whole or any part of any charge be paid in advance.

  • Council reserves the right to extend the turnaround time frame when circumstances prevent the completion of the request. When this happens, a council staff member will inform the applicant and provide the extended date.
  • Urgent requests cannot be accommodated.

Any query on the information supplied can be emailed to or you may contact council at 03 685 9010 to arrange an appointment to discuss.

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