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Roading Fees and Charges

Current fees and charges for roading related services.

Roading Fees and Charges

Roading and Footpaths - General

Inspections Fees 2024/25
Inspections/re-inspection (per inspection) $200.00
Project work application Actual cost
Non-Compliance Inspection Fee Per Hour
plus additional mileage fee at the current IRD rate/km
Urgent inspections will incur and additional mileage fee at the current IRD rate (per km) Actual cost
Vehicle Crossing Application Fees 2024/25
Vehicle Crossing Application $289.00
Temporary Road Closures Fees 2024/25
Temporary road closure costs (prior to 42 days’ notice period)
- fixed fee plus disbursements
Application fee for Temporary road closure for event and/or group of roads (prior to 42 days’ notice period) Base fee + $165.00
Temporary road closure costs – late applications (less than 42 days’ notice period). This does not include advertising and traffic management; these are the event organisers or contractor’s cost. $578.00
External Advertising Actual cost
Damage Assessment Inspection Actual cost
Road / Footpath Occupation Fees 2024/25
Rural Temporary Fencing and / or Road Occupation Application fee per site
(Maximum term 3 years) (Breaking may occur)
- fixed fee plus disbursements
Annual footpath occupation in town centre, commercial area (including Market Place)
- fixed f per m2
Urban Hoarding/footpath occupation Application Processing Fee and road lease
- fixed fee
Unapproved Hoarding / footpath occupation in road reserve  Non-Compliance Fee (per occurrence) $772.00
Unapproved Hoarding / footpath occupation in road reserve Non-Compliance Fee - continuing to occupy road reserve land after non-compliance fee issued, until removed and reinstated (per week) $168.00
Unapproved Hoarding / footpath occupation in road reserve - Removal  Actual cost
Overweight Permit Fees 2024/25
Overweight Permit - fixed fee plus disbursements $189
Structural Engineering ChecksActual cost
Overload of posted structure (per incident)Actual Cost + disbursements + 15%
Damage to StructureActual Cost + disbursements + 15%
Project works (Maintenance, Damage over and above normal levels) Actual cost
Road stopping Fees 2024/25
Road Stopping Process (per road to be stopped) Actual cost + 15%
Other Fees 2024/25
Cattle stop & Gate Across Road application fee only (excludes, advertising, inspections, disbursements, physical works and C.A.R fees)     $331.00
Penalty fee for unauthorised or non-notification of activities on or in the road reserve$325 + cost of activity
Detritus removal/ cleaning/ removalActual cost
Road/ Infrastructure Damage RepairActual cost
Stock Droving and/ or Crossing License$562.00
Abandoned vehicles Fees 2024/25
Mackenzie Urban AreaActual Cost + disbursements + 15%
Other AreasActual Cost + disbursements + 15%

Subdivision Inspection and Approval for Assets to be Vested or Constructed on Legal Road

Fees 2024/25
Total construction cost less than $25,000$552.00
Total construction cost greater than $25,000 2.1% of the value of the complete works

Corridor Access Request (CAR)

Fees 2024/25
Works within footpaths/berms 
Type FB1 (Minor)
Up to 6m2 and/or 20 lineal metres
Type FB2 (Major)
Greater than 6m2 and/or 20 lineal metres, but less than 10m2 and/or 100 lineal metres
Works within road carriageway (formed road) 
Type C1 (Minor)
Up to 2m2 and/or 5 lineal metres
Type C2 (Major)
Greater than 2m2 and/or 5 lineal metres, but less than 10m2 and/or 15 lineal metres
Project Work 
Areas greater than the above category types Actual cost
Additional weekly fee for where works exceed the stated period (per week)  $168.00
Seal opening reseal texturing fee per m2$100.00