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Roadsides in rural areas

Safe use of roadsides within the Mackenzie District.

Roadsides in rural areas

Keeping it clear

Planting trees

They may look pretty, but trees and hedges planted on the roadside can cause problems for road users.

They can shade the road in winter making it icy, obstruct the views of motorists at intersections, and be somewhat unforgiving if a vehicle ends up running into them.

That’s why we ask that you contact Council for approval before undertaking any planting.  We can, under the Transit New Zealand Act, ask that roadside trees, including those inside property boundaries, be pruned or removed to safeguard road users.

Stock and fencing

Movement of stock

If you are driving stock, you are responsible for the safety of both the animals and other road users. There are some restrictions on moving stock along the road or roadside.

Anyone who notices unattended stock wandering on the road is asked to contact Council.

Roadside grazing

Anyone wishing to use the road verge for grazing must comply with the relevant Council Policy.

The stock and the safety of road users remains the responsibility of the stock owner.  If an animal escapes, the owner is liable for any damage.  Staff at Council can advise of roads where grazing is not allowed.

Any fence must be of a temporary nature using removable fiberglass, plastic or light metal.  Waratahs and wire-mesh fences are not allowed - they can cause injury to road users.

Fence standards must be set back at least one metre from the edge of the carriageway, and more on busier roads. All stock must be removed overnight.

Mowing grass

Some roads are mowed under a Council contract for about a 1.8 metre width against the edge of the seal, and to the boundary fences 50 metres from intersections.  This is done in the interests of safety.

The Council does not mow the roadsides of unsealed roads – it’s up to the property owners to mow their own property frontage.

Controlling weeds & other vegetation

  • Adjacent property owners – please control noxious plants and other weeds on the roadside.
  • If roadside vegetation is sprayed, the area must be re-sown immediately.
  • The grassed area at the side of the road, is vital for road safety – it supports the seal, eliminates mud and suppresses dust.
  • Don’t landscape with rocks, timber or ornamental planting without the Council’s consent.

Laying services or cables in the roadside

You need to get a road opening or “trenching” permit from the Council before cables or pipes can be laid in a road or road reserve.  In most cases your contractor will apply for the permit on your behalf.  A Traffic Management Plan must be provided with your permit application.

Anyone digging or excavating the roadside should be aware of underground services in the area they are working.  If the underground services are damaged you are responsible for the cost of repair.

Building and storing items on the roadside

No structures can be erected on the roadside.  This includes permanent fencing, feature letterboxes, stone walls and feature entranceways.

Council permission is not needed to store hay bales and baleage on the road verge as long as Council Policy is complied with.  Any other item or material stored on the road verge needs Council permission.